Cooking Club Of America Books : The Paleo Diet Vs - The Paleo Diet Vs. The Gluten & Dairy Free Diets
Thcan be article is dedicated to those that require a Gluten Free or Dairy Free Diet. This actually article highlights the differences between the Paleo Gluten/Dairy Free diet too as a typical gluten/dairy free diet. The Paleo diet has added food restrictions that encourages optimal long term well being.
The Paleo Diet might be far more restrictive diet than standard gluten and dairy free diets.. The Paleo Diet is gluten, dairy and preservative free. Addedly, It is a weight loss and weight Upkeep diet. Referred to as the Caveman Diet. Several may suggest that if Cavemen did eat it we in modern society should eat it. On the other hand, several of the foods restricted on the Paleo Diet have nutritional benefits. If you'll be not lactose intolerant milk is a fairly good source of calcuim and protein. Beans have multiple nutrient values. The Paleo Diet's emphasis on lean meat ,fish, poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables, elimination of sugar, low carbs and preservative free diet has short and long term well being benefits. Based on your personal preferences or wellness needments a strict or modified Paleo Diet maybe best suited for your well being, weight-loss goals and life style.
The Paleo Diet is Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Preservative Free. Referred to as the Caveman Diet or Stone Age Diet. The Paleolithic period was 10,000 years ago. The Paleolithic period is pre-agriculture and ahead of man located fire. Beans, potatoes and many grains are inedible raw. They include toxins if no cooked. The caveman only ate non-toxin edible foods. Within the Paleolithic period dairy Merchandise were not consume since animals had not been domesticated. Therefore, milk was not consumed. The Paleo Diet includes: lean meat, fish, poultry, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, nuts and seeds. Excluded from the diet are grains, potatoes, legumes, dairy produces, salt, refined sugar and processed foods.
Paleo Food List
Paleo Diet Allowed Foods:
-Lean Meats
-Fresh Fruits
-Fresh Vegetables
-Nuts (non-processed)
-Seeds (non-processed)
-Fresh and dried herbs
-Spices and natural enhancers (garlic, onions, peppers, cloves and etc.)
Paleo Diet-Foods Not Allowed:
Foods to avoid:
-All processed food
-Dairy Items
-Margarine and butter
-Wild Rice
-All processed foods made with rice.
-All beans
-Soybeans plus all soybean Merchandise including tofu.
Gluten Foods (Not Allowed in Paleo Diet or Gluten Free Diet)
Graham Flour
Cakes and Pies
Matzo Meal
Salad Dressing
Oaks (may possiblybe cross contaminated)
many efairlyday Goods include Gluten
Food additives, malt flavoring, modified food starch and etc.
Many vitamins and medications use gluten as a binding agent
Lipstick and lip balms
Postage stamps (only employed the self adhesive)
Play dough
Gluten Free Safe Foods:
Fresh poultry, fish and meats (cannot be marinated, breaded or basted coated)
Most dairy Items (not allowed in Paleo Diet)
Fresh fruit and vegetables
Rice (not allowed in Paleo Diet)
Potatoes (not allowed in Paleo Diet)
Gluten free flours (rice, soy, corn, potato not allowed in Paleo Diet)
Wine and distilled liquors, ciders and spirits ... [Read More - Cooking Club Of America Books]
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